Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tracking the pattern

I went for a short 20 min. bike ride last night.  The wind triggered the pain last night.  But when I stopped biking the pain went away about an hour later.  Now this morning it is back pretty strong under the eye starting mostly with the infraorbital nerve then across the cheek bone to my ear. The eye feels weak and like it just wants to close today. I just took 3 ibup. so should ease up.  You just can't prevent all things that will trigger the pain. That being said, I can live with this level of pain. It's not too bad and at least I can take ibuprofen for it.  The rest of me has been feeling great, I am 4 wks off of all sugar and grains and am surprised to see the decrease in the need for ibuprofen.  Grateful.  I always worry about how much pain meds I take and how my liver processes it.  Over all things are going great just wanted to track these 'episodes'.
8:30 p.m. - pain switched to the other side with a bit of a vengeance. Probably a strong 4 to 5 for pain. 3 more Ibuprofen and no action so I may take a Tramadol before bed.  Hurts to move my left eye too far.  I put my finger back in like last January. Seems to help. I better try to get in to Dr. Brent tomorrow. I haven't had acupuncture for a long time. 


Greta G Weisman said...

Looking over this post. I didn't get acupuncture or tramodol. But pain subsided anyway.

Greta G Weisman said...

June 2012. Ibuprofen no longer works much at all. Naproxen never works. Suffering increased to intolerable at this point. I have tried everything. Very very sad to re read this post. I sounded almost hopeful here. At this point now. I have been through the ringer. You have no idea. But I my GP in little Sartell, Mn found Indocin is working for my eye pain. It was a stab ( no pun intended) in the dark. I now can get some relief. Sometimes 8 hrs at a time. When I get relief for the eye pain, it can stop the migraines. So if you are reading this and you have eye pain. Ask about a med called INDOCIN. I can give your doctor my doctor's contact info,