Monday, June 28, 2010

Changing of the Blog

It seems like the blog has changed from Strabismus to a blow by blow on nerve pain. That's mostly because it wasn't until the past 3 wks or so I realize that the pain is a problem that has risen beyond simply strabismus surgery.  Surgery  no doubt stirred the problem.  But than it turned into a whole inflamed nerve. I wonder if the original pain was from surgery or from the trigeminal hurting this whole time. It sure would explain why the pain meds weren't very effective, and maybe why the left eye got in on it. Although I still can't believe that whole left eye thing.  That was RIDICULOUS!  Halstrom mentioned too it could be left overs from when I had shingles. Which is possible but I didn't have shingles on my face.  I obviously have nerve problems that's how I got the strabismus in the first place. It's the 4th cranial nerve.  So why not the 5th nerve, the trigeminal?  Also, my heart is almost always out of rhythm now, that's a nerve problem too I think.
I started my no sugar no grains thing again today, so hopefully that will reduce inflammation too. I'm not doing it for my face.  Just want to be healthy, if it helps my facial pain - great.  I hope to post less and less although I think of things that make me want to write.  Like tonight there was a program on tv and something got said that sent me right back to a topic I hate.  I wont' write about it though. Been there, done that.
I'm still so grateful. I still can't believe that second image is gone and my neck doesn't hurt anymore. 

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