Monday, June 21, 2010


I got a sweet letter from one of my clients the other day.  Actually I have had almost each of the 5 family members in to see me.  Back in the 3 weeks of heaven  I wrote a note to any one I ever had a positive thought about and I must have written to this family.  They were gone for a long time to Chile and just returned and got the note I sent months ago, so she just read what I wrote.
I have no idea who I all sent cards to and what I all said. But every once in a while I get these comments or a note in the mail explaining how they loved what I wrote to them.  Frankly, I have no clue what I wrote but I know that I really meant every word in that moment.  So the 3 Weeks of heaven have this residual effect that bounces back like a boomerang once in a while.  It's a good thing.
Not too much pain the last day or so.  I discovered gin and tonics are a great pain reliever.  But can't always take that for pain especially while driving :)
I was driving a long distance Saturday and Sunday this weekend and I know my head is straight while driving. That is pretty cool to me.  Sometimes I wonder if I'm back to tilting and sometimes I do see double especially when laying down but when seeing accurately really matters my eyes work together and they are doing well.
I probably will write after Friday when I see Dr. Halstrom.

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