Thursday, November 4, 2010

Vein Issues

I wish I was talking about my 'vain' job.  But I'm not.  My blood vessels are acting up again.  My left pinkie has been rupturing 3 times in the past 24 hrs. 2 times at work, the finger goes numb until the blood moves out of the finger. Then tonight during a mtg. my left arm started feeling funny around my wrist.  I looked down to just watch the veins start bulging.  It even wiggled a little as it grew. I nudged Jim and showed him. After 10 min. it went away.
Guess what? As I type this, my pinkie ruptured again.  I give up.  Freak of nature in full swing.
My eyes weren't too painful today. So that's good.

6:35p.m. - I called the genetics dept. at Mayo this morning as she once told me to call her if I have any other blood vessels rupture.  She called back but of course I missed it as I was at work. UGH.
Dr. H never called back, I don't know if his secretary forgot to give him the message or he's super busy or I finally drove him nuts and he can't bear to talk to me. :) I'm hoping for one of the first two options.  Just wanted to get into see someone about eye/face pain.

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