Monday, April 26, 2010

Pain theories

 I spoke to the doctor tonight, unfortunately no great explanations. I'm quite frustrated but am going to try to just forget about it and stay busy.  This is the " freak of nature factor" There's nothing I can do about. Sometimes I forget that I'm a freak of nature, then things like this remind me. Nobody really knows why these random things happen they just do.  It would take a lot of pain for a long time for me to pursue medical help with this pain.  I have a feeling it has to do something with my Trigeminal nerve and  I can't worry about that, just pray the intense pain stays away.
4/27/10 I walk into work today and two different people asked what was wrong with my eye.  One said it was red below my eye the other said my top lid was droopy. They didn't even know what happened this weekend. Lovely. I know my brow feels heavy and it feels stiff under my eye but it didn't jump out at me at home.  I'm going back to the eye ectomy plan. Just kidding.  It's just that this eye/face pain is killing my buzz!  I am so happy with my eye results and so frustrated with this unexplained pain.
4/28 - got some pain relief last night with Tramadol. It just makes me itch.  Life's a trade off isn't it? Pain relief but itchy.  Great eyesight but pain...
My friend came over tonight - had no clue the pain I've been in and she says, What's wrong with your eye?


Unknown said...

Hi Greta,
Your eyes look wonderful. Thank you for your comment on my blog. I hope you are doing well. Your photo looks AMAZING.
All the best to you!

Greta G Weisman said...

Thank you Heather. I wish you the best too! GW