Saturday, September 11, 2010

If you're searching the web...

If you happen across this dumb blog because you searched the web and found it.  Please read the following.
A word of advice...
I have recently come to the conclusion that one would not do well to put to much weight into each personal experience.  Each personal experience is just that PERSONAL!  Your experience is yours!  Mine is mine.  This blog, as I have stated is open to anyone to read, but it mainly serves me and my need to express myself and log the progression of 'things'.
  I learned this as I was doing research on Trigeminal Neuralgia.  It only took me about 3 different accounts of strangers experiences with TN.  I have concluded I will not read any more personal experiences.  It's not encouraging.  I choose to hope for the best.  I will read authentic official medical sites of experts on the subject. Not individuals.Maybe that's cold but I have to draw the line, for the sake of my mental health. What I have left of it. :)
  If you type in you will get only research articles that are much more reliable.
So if you're reading this, you should know.  I call myself the freak of Nature, so what does that tell you? That I'm a typical case?  No, I dont' think so.  You will have your own unique experience.  Hope for the best.  What's the harm in that?

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