Monday, February 8, 2010

"these eyes"

Last night a bunch of us were down the street at our friends house for the 'super' bowl. Those of us who weren't into football sat at the table and laughed our heads off playing a game.  My eyes didn't hurt much at all yesterday until then.  Why then? So you know, your'e having a good time and then my eyes!  UGH.  I really can't wait until we get to the point that I can forget for a while that my eyes are working.
I have pretty much stopped talking about my eyes even though I think about them a lot.  When they hurt I can't help but be aware of them.  But even when say I'm sitting across from people at a table.  Sometimes I like to just cock my head to the Right and see things from that angle.  It's so cool to do that and see single.  Even when I'm doing facials and the person is resting.  I am tilting my head slightly in all different directions enjoying the single view. But I can't explain it to people, well, I could, and I have initially.  But then you get the look that says, "Yeah Greta, we're not following you here"  So I just keep quiet.  But my mind still thinks it.  I kind of wish I had someone who could relate.  I don't know anyone who's had strabismus surgery.  I'd like someone else to know what it feels like to have your superior oblique muscle pulled.  Or even know how to pronounce strabismus.  Or what a inferior oblique is. Just to hold a conversation about it. Or maybe, I just wish I didn't know all of this.  Yeah, that's the ticket.  It's not them it is actually - me.


Cheryl Aversano said...

Sorry Greta,
This system isn't easy. Yes you may not have anyone that is going through what you are going through, but everyone is going through something. Every year I realize more and more why Jehovah promised, "The former things shall not be remembered, they shall never come to mind."—Isaiah 65:17 Not always a comfort while going through horror. But hang in there and soon this won't even be a distant memory.

Greta G Weisman said...

I don't mean to make it more dramatic than it is. But it does remind me that everyone has something. THis is just one of mine. Strabismus and amploypia actually has huge social implications for a lot of people. Thankfully, I haven't had the social implications. No one knew what was going on with my eyes - my husband hardly knew.

Cheryl Aversano said...

I am sorry Greta. I wish there was something I could do to help you out. You are in my prayers:) hang in there. We all love you lots.