Saturday, February 27, 2010

Eye Observations

1.) dizziness 2.) Eye pain accompanies headache  3.) Iridescence when not in pain

As I wrote earlier, during this past week I had a couple of days with strong left eye pain.  One of the days I was working of course.  That whole day I noticed that my eyes were not keeping pace with me if I moved too fast, making me dizzy for just a second. Example,when I sit on my stool performing my little treatments I am sometimes having to flip back and forth from the person then back to the sink or cupboard all the while quickly rotating on my little stool.  I was aware I was moving to quickly. Then walking around the salon, a couple times, I moved my head too fast and felt that my eyes were not tracking correctly - little delayed.  I laughed with the girls about being a dizzy blonde that day.

Also, frequently when the pain is strong, I have a head ache that encompasses the entire left side of my head.
My other thing  I noted is that when I'm not in pain ( Like the week I discovered Frankincense) I could see iridescent colors again.  One day it was very apparent.  It was everywhere!  It was on my phone of course, then, street signs.  SO many street signs had an iridescent shine to them.  Then, same day, as I walked across the parking lot at work, the same one I always walk, there was one particular large oil spot that was all iridescent.   At first I thought it was because it was sunny and had been cloudy before.  But I don't think so this week It's been sunny every day, but I'm in more pain,  no iridescence this week.  Am I making all of this up?

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