Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It doesn't matter...

I awoke about 12:40 a.m. just wide awake and my mind for some reason just started in again on Egghead.  Just like back in November or December when I first awoke at about this same time of night all the sudden very much aware and very livid at my former eye Dr. Why? So,  I had to get up.  Read my bible.  I'm on 1 Chronicles 1-4.  Try and read that.  That will put anyone to sleep.  It's all lineage.

I suppose it's because the thought crossed my mind when I saw my local eye dr. is on the books to get her hair done right before she goes to this big conference for eye Dr.'s.  Then I remembered, oh yeah, that's right.  Holmes may speak to egghead this month.  That's all it takes.  I have still racing questions.  But I have to keep telling myself. It doesn't matter.  It's over, it's the past.  I can't let my brain get carried away with all of these questions!  They are pointless! What's done is done Greta, move on.

Which I had been doing. Totally forgot, or so I thought. ( hey that rhymes!)  But I am still intrigued as to how the mention of Egbert triggers this involuntary emotional response.  I hate it!  It was so long ago.  How do I even know I remember it correctly? Doesn't' matter. See, these are the questions that start.  Then one leads to the next and to the next.  I just have to keep repeating to myself it doesn't matter, It doesn't' matter, it doesn't matter....

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