Thursday, October 28, 2010

My amazing new eye functions

Okay, I have no time to write, I have way too much to do but am just ecstatic at my eyes today.  I did eye lash extensions for about 5 hours today.  I gotta say,  I nailed it!  My eyes were just amazing!  They were doing really hard things, the best part is, THEY DID IT!  Tiny little lashes, then looking through a diopter.  I tried reading glasses, nope didn't like those,  tried my Opti visor - it was okay, made me dizzy a bit,  but the plain old diopter, that's my favorite.  That's the way to go.
It's just so delicate a job. And I did it.  I'm about 75% better at it then when I started.  I'm so excited.  I really hated doing lashes at first. Now I can see it's kind of addictive.  I can't wait til I'm good at this.  I'm just so happy  with my eyes today.  I guess I appreciated how good I was doing when the younger girls I was teaching were doing things much worse than I.  Like poking the client in the nose.  Ha Ha. It's not fair to them though I'm used to working through a diopter.  That's a battle in itself I guess.
I'm just so pleased with the function of my eyes today.  Grinning from ear to ear.

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