Friday, October 29, 2010

Nicest compliment....

So today at work I had an older client in.  She comes in for a facial every 4 to 6 months, hard working farm wife, maybe 70 yrs old.  I don't remember exactly what we were talking about when she was telling me that she always notices peoples eyes.  Well of course this got my attention.  Shortly before this, she was sitting on my table and I was sitting on my little stool, she was higher than I was and that is my weakest eye position. So I raised my stool to be higher to talk to her.
When she made this comment on how she notices eyes. I couldn't help but ask, "what do you notice about my eyes" fearing she would say, well your right eye is elevated.  Instead she said, " you have tender eyes'  Wasn't that sweet?  It sounded like she said tenderize.  Ha ha.  Then she added you could tell I was kind by my eyes.
Well, I just about started crying but that would just validate her comment and we can't have that!  But I was glad she didn't point out my asymmetry.

Yesterday I concluded my eyes work just fine for doing this detailed eye lash work. I am so pleased. Then  today, I learned I have a healthy fear of performing eye lash extensions.  UGH.  What did I get myself into?  This girl I did today, her eyes kept twitching and twitching then she couldn't keep her eyes shut.  And there were like 3 hairs growing out of each follicle. Making it nearly impossible to isolate one single lash.  The worse part, it is very easy to get the tiniest bit of this super glue on the bottom lashes, GLUING THEM TOGETHER!  Top to bottom.  Okay this is not dangerous - not good, but no danger.  The danger comes when you go to separate the top from the bottom.  The things I had to do to separate this few lashes.  I'm not proud of.  This happen to two of my "test" people. Their fine.  I know from my own eye procedures what the dr.s do to say, cut stitches and that's how close I was to their open eyes trying to free there lids from each other.  I don't know what I got myself into. I"m going to call the trainer, I need a pep talk.

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